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Ecologic Institute Science and Policy for a Sustainable World

The image shows a collage with two pictures: on the left, an aerial view of green, forested areas and wetlands, indicating nature-based carbon removal, and on the right, an industrial scene with large tanks and pipes, symbolizing technological carbon capture methods. The text below reads: 'Scaling up carbon dioxide removals. Recommendations for navigating opportunities and risks in the EU.' The image is from the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change.

© European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change, 2025

Scaling up Carbon Dioxide Removals

Recommendations for navigating opportunities and risks in the EU

This report explores options for scaling up carbon dioxide removals in the EU, considering respective costs, risks and opportunities. This assessment, covering both carbon sinks in the land sector and novel solutions, involves analyses of the status and potential of carbon dioxide removals in the EU, key policy needs and gaps, as well as policy recommendations for a robust EU governance of carbon dioxide removals.
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Cover of the conference documentation "Zukunftsaufgabe naturnaher Landschaftswasserhaushalt"

© BfN, 2025

Zukunftsaufgabe naturnaher Landschaftswasserhaushalt

Ergebnisdokumentation zur BfN-Fachtagung am 18. April 2024

Conference Paper
The symposium "The future task of a near-natural landscape water balance" of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) was organized by Ecologic Institute and took place on 18 April 2024, in Bonn. This publication summarises the most important contents of the conference as well as the research and implementation needs identified.
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Book cover of "Sustainable Urban Development in the European Arctic" from the "Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development" series. Authors include Dorothea Wehrmann, Michał Łuszczuk, Katarzyna Radzik-Maruszak, Jacqueline Götze, and Arne Riedel. The cover features technical drawings in white on a dark green background, along with the Open Access symbol and the Routledge logo.

© Routledge, 2025

Sustainable Urban Development in the European Arctic

Focusing on cities in the European Arctic, this book consolidates research on sustainable development, local and urban governance, and transnational cooperation in the region. It examines to what extent there is transnational cooperation between urban areas in remote locations and how it can be enhanced to better align with global sustainable development policies to successfully implement goals set for example by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change.
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Cover of the CREDIBLE deliverable 2.1 entitled "Report on Options for Standards to Ensure Environmental Integrity and Uptake" authored by Ecologic Institute's Hugh McDonald, Julia Pazmino Murillo, Aaron Scheid (Ecologic Institute)

© CREDIBLE project, 2025

Options for Standards to Ensure Environmental Integrity and Uptake

This Deliverable presents the work of the CREDIBLE Focus Group 2.1, "Minimum requirements to ensure carbon farming delivers sustainability benefits". The objective of the Focus Group and the goal of this document is to make recommendations on how the CRCF can maximize the positive impact of carbon farming on biodiversity, adaptation, water and other sustainability outcomes, at the same time as mitigating climate change.
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Cover of Ecologic Institute's report entitled "Integrating Hydrogen Emissions Into the EU Policy Framework. Why hydrogen emissions matter, when they will become significant, and how the EU can tackle them"

© Ecologic Institute, 2025

Integrating Hydrogen Emissions Into the EU Policy Framework

Why hydrogen emissions matter, when they will become significant, and how the EU can tackle them

While hydrogen (H2) emissions make up a negligible fraction of today's GHG emissions, they are set to become more significant in the 2030s and, should the EU and the global community progress towards climate neutrality, will likely be substantial in the 2040s, as achieving climate neutrality requires the expansion of hydrogen use alongside the rapid reduction of other GHGs. As decisions made today will shape hydrogen value chains for decades, this paper develops a series of policy proposals to implement a four-pronged strategy.
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Ecologic Institute: Science and Policy for a Sustainable World

Ecologic Institute conducts inter- and transdisciplinary environmental research and has offices in Berlin and Brussels. In its role as a private, independent organization, Ecologic Institute is dedicated to the preparation of relevant sociopolitical aspects of sustainability research and contributing new knowledge to environmental policy. Innovative research methods, an orientation on practice and a transdisciplinary approach ensure scientific excellent and social relevance. The work done at Ecologic Institute covers the spectrum of environmental topics and includes the integration of environment-related issues into other political spheres.

Ecologic Institute was founded in 1995 and collaborates closely with other European and international bodies, including active participation as a member of the Ecological Research Network (Ecornet). Today, the more than 100 individuals at Ecologic Institute work in a variety of international and interdisciplinary project teams.


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Ecologic Institute is a partner in Ecornet, the network of leading non-university, non-profit German research institutes focusing on environmental and sustainability research.